Tattoo Aftercare Products & How They Fit Into Caring for Your Tattoo

Proper aftercare is crucial not only for preserving the appearance of your tattoo but also for ensuring a smooth and safe healing process. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps of tattoo aftercare, dive into the healing process, discuss long-term maintenance, and explore the role of numbing creams both before and after getting tattooed.

Tattoo Aftercare Products

Tattoo Aftercare Description
Tattoo Numbing Creams Helps reduce pain sensitivity before and during the tattooing process. Learn More
Tattoo Soaps Gentle cleansing agents designed to clean the tattooed area without causing irritation. Learn More
Tattoo Ointments Specialized products to promote healing and prevent infection in the early days after getting tattooed. Learn More
Tattoo Lotions Lightweight hydrating solutions that keep the tattooed skin soft and can aid in the healing process. Learn More
Tattoo Moisturizers Deep hydration products that maintain the tattoo’s vibrancy and assist in skin health over the long term. Learn More
Tattoo Sunscreen Protects the tattoo from harmful UV rays, preventing fading and maintaining ink integrity. Learn More
Tattoo Brighteners Helps the tattoo ink stay vibrant, or to revitalize ink from fading. Learn More

Before the Tattoo: Preparation and Pain Management

Pain Management with Numbing Creams: Opting for a numbing cream can significantly reduce discomfort during tattooing. Look for creams with lidocaine, which is effective and safe for topical use. Choosing a product specifically designed for tattoos is crucial, as some numbing creams can affect skin texture or ink absorption. Consult with your tattoo artist before application, as they might have recommendations or requirements.

Immediate Aftercare

Choosing the Right Cleanser: Keeping the area clean is paramount after getting your tattoo. Select a gentle, fragrance-free soap that won’t irritate your skin or disrupt healing. Tattoos are sensitive to harsh chemicals, so opting for soaps with natural ingredients and a neutral pH is best.

Applying Ointment: It is recommended to apply a thin layer of ointment during the first few days after getting a tattoo to ensure proper healing. Don’t settle for just any product; make sure to use only those that are specifically formulated for tattoo aftercare. These products should contain panthenol or essential vitamins like Vitamin E, which have been proven to effectively soothe and repair the skin. However, it is imperative that you avoid using heavy or greasy ointments, as they can clog your pores and significantly hinder the healing process. Remember, taking these precautions will help you achieve the best possible results for your new tattoo.

The Healing Process

Moisturizing Your Tattoo: Keeping the area moisturized is key as your tattoo heals. Choose a fragrance-free and dye-free lotion to minimize the risk of irritation. Lotions that contain natural moisturizing ingredients, such as cocoa butter, shea butter, or even coconut oil, can be particularly beneficial. However, ensure the product is lightweight enough not to suffocate the tattoo.

Long-Term Tattoo Care

Protecting Your Tattoo from the Sun: Once healed, your tattoo needs protection from the sun’s UV rays to prevent fading. Select a broad-spectrum sunscreen that is at least SPF 30. Look for products that are water-resistant and offer both UVA and UVB protection. Consider sunscreens formulated for sensitive skin to avoid irritation.

Maintaining Tattoo Vibrancy: For long-term care, continue to moisturize regularly. Antioxidants like Vitamin C and E can help protect the skin and maintain the tattoo’s brightness. Additionally, products that support skin elasticity, such as those with hyaluronic acid, can keep the tattooed area fresh.

Common Issues and Solutions

Be aware of signs of infection, such as excessive redness, swelling, warmth, or pus. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult a healthcare professional immediately. For minor irritations, ensure you’re not allergic to any ingredients in your aftercare products by patch testing them on a small area before applying them to your tattoo.


The key to a beautifully healed tattoo lies in diligent aftercare and carefully selecting aftercare products. By choosing the right soaps, ointments, lotions, and sunscreens, you ensure not just the health of your tattoo, but also its longevity and vibrancy. Remember, a tattoo is for life—investing time and care in its aftercare is essential to keeping your artwork looking its best for years to come.